Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sometimes the customer isn't always right....

On an average day I’d say I take about 100-150 calls, depending on the time of year. I have been at my call centre for almost 5 years and handled almost 400,000 accounts. (Those are official numbers, I checked my stats this week. In reality, it feels as if I’ve taken about a million). The intellectual levels of some of these people leave much to be desired, and while it severely irritates many of my coworkers, I can’t help but laugh. There are some ridiculous comments I hear repeatedly, while others stand out from the crowd. One of the calls I took this week is a perfect example of this. This particular customer had made a payment to the account and it was showing as paid on his online banking website, but our systems showed we hadn’t taken a payment. We’ll call him Mr. Jones. This is how the call went:

Me: I apologize, Mr. Jones, our records show that we have not received a payment since November. If you did make a more recent payment, we’re going to have to ask that you fax us in proof that the funds have been taken out of your account.

Mr. Jones: Well it’s right here on my computer.

Me: That’s great sir, so I’ll give you the fax number where you can send the proof to

Mr. Jones: Yeah but I’m looking at the payment right now, it’s right there and I’m looking at it. Why can’t you just put down that I’ve paid it?

Me: Mr Jones, can you see my computer screen right now?

Mr. Jones: No, of course I can’t

Me: Well then how am I supposed to be able to see yours? I need you to fax me the information

Mr. Jones: Because it’s RIGHT THERE ON THE SCREEN!

This is probably the point where a lot of people would start to get angry, but I just laugh it off. I think it’s because I know I have to sit there and take the calls regardless, and getting angry over it will affect my ability to do my job.

Ventana Research did a study showing that 60% of call centres rely on the agent to assess the customer’s satisfaction. This means that regardless of the mood I’m in, I need to remember not to let anything affect the way I do my job. In the last 6 months, I’ve had 8 Customer Satisfaction surveys completed on me (which is about average for part time reps) with every single one being 100%. That says more to me than any other stat measurable.

At the end of the day, it depends on how you look at the situations. I could let these people bother me and go home crying at the end of every day like many of the people I see working (and quitting) my company, but I believe that job satisfaction comes from how you choose to deal with the difficult situations.

(Ok, and it makes for great blogging material too)



  1. Aisling, when you work in the customer service industry, it's so important to laugh it off. If you let things get to you, you'll go mad. It's nice to see your point of view and the humour you find in it. Did "Mr. Jones" ever fax you the proof? lol

  2. I think it's funny he never faxed you his statements. In any sort of service industry there are always people trying to see what they can get away with to get free stuff. "Mr. Jones" is the same as the people I have served who tell me their beer was flat after they've finished the entire pitcher, or say there food was terrible after they've eaten the whole plate.

  3. So I work at the City of St.Catharines in the Water Billing department, and I have the same types of people calling me as you do. I definitely know how you feel, and there are so many times when a customer is NOT right. The main thing is to be as calm and collected as possible, and always let them know that you are listening (even though you may not be). Customer service is a very difficult industry and I have a lot of respect for those that make a living in it.
