The best part about my job is the range of personalities I get to work with on a daily basis. With so many different beliefs and values, it’s hard to imagine how we all manage to remain in one room together for 8-10 hours a day. My coworkers have managed to get me through the last five years and actually make it so I enjoy being there. In call centres, people come and go, but with my particular campaign we tend to have a lot of people stay for long periods of time (I call these people “lifers” – they hate me for it.) Last week I focused on the (lucky?) individuals who’d managed to break away from the call centre, but this week I’m going to talk about the characters I get to be around every day. These are the guys I sit with:
The Indian Guy
This guy is by far the funniest man at the call centre. His humour is sometimes strange, sometimes harsh, but always entertaining. He’s the guy that says what everyone’s thinking; it’s just ten times funnier because he has an accent to compliment it. When I told him I was doing this blog and would be talking about him, but that I wouldn’t mention his name, he said “No, no! Say my name, say my name! I’m a funny man”
The MMA fighter
This guy is the best, despite the fact that he bbms me regularly just to call me a slacker. I'll be honest, when I first met him I was a little intimidated. He's a strong looking guy and fights MMA on his spare time, so I was pretty much terrified of him. Once I got to know him, my perception completely changed. He is by far one of the nicest guys I've ever met. He also goes to see Twilight in the movie theatre with his girlfriend. (He'll kill me for mentioning that)
The Scapegoat
The butt of everyone's jokes, he's one of the most entertaining people to have around. This guy can NOT stop talking-ever. There have been many times we'll listen to him on his calls and he's trying to troubleshoot someone's internet connection (we take billing calls). We call him Patches because he can't grow a full beard, or manage to shave his face properly. He's a fellow Niagara College student and a genuinely nice guy. The Indian Guy insists that Patches call him "Father".
The Instigator
This guy is my best friend's brother and loves to cause trouble. He's the one that will poke the fire when something's about to erupt and then sit back and watch it all happen. His favourite pastime at work is setting up scenarios that will cause The Indian Guy to say or do something funny and then laugh at other people. What he doesn't know is just how aware of it we all are, and how everyone does it just to laugh at his genuine reaction. Out of all of us, he probably escalates his calls to supervisors the most, simply because he loves saying “no” to customers. Sometimes he’ll say things in the most patronising ways, but it’s hilarious to hear. He is a nice guy though, and always has level-headed advice for me when I need it.
The Hustler
This guy always has some business deal going on the side. He tries to sell pirated DVDs to people, he sells discounted roast chickens to The Indian Guy, and even told me he could get me a brand new BMW for five thousand dollars. His goal in life is to be rich, and evidently he’s willing to do anything it takes to get there. He has an awesome personality and is always dancing in the aisles when he’s not taking calls. Again, he’s a really nice guy.
As I've said before, these guys are the reason I love my job so much. In its own weird way, it's like a family. We might not always get along, but at the end of the day we know we'll be there for one another.